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Create the first admin user

In the event of you use login and password credential, you might need to have an admin or a doctor role. The backend doesn't create any user, so you will need to do a small Mongo request.

If you deployed HCW@Home with Debian/Ubuntu or Redhat/Rocky package, just enter in Mongo with mongosh command. If you used Docker, you can connect in Mongo Shell with docker compose exec -ti mongo mongosh. You can now run the following requests to get your first user.

Select the right database

use hcw-athome # Replace here if you changed the database name

Create an admin user

The admin user will able to connect on admin and also on doctor interface. Be carefull to never create more than one user with same email, email is unique in database.

db.user.insertOne({email:"replace-by-your-email",  firstName:"replace-by-your-firstname", lastName:"replace-by-your-lastname", password: "$2b$10$uixuJK9bmstlDRrkp3XJV.y8r00UeD.Gmf9/sjundnbJ7BAB3qjyG", role: "admin",  createdAt: new Date().getTime(), "updatedAt": new Date().getTime(), "username" : "", authPhoneNumber: '+41 ...', phoneNumber: "+41..."})

You can now login with your email and 'admin' as password.

authPhoneNumber with password authentication is mandatory since it will be used to validate 2FA by SMS.

Delete a user


Manually hash the password.

If you have nodejs installed locally (or on the server you are installing), you can create the following small script (e.g. into hashpw.js). Don't forget to replace "not hashed password" in the code.

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

bcrypt.hash('not hashed password', 10, function(err, hash) {
  if(err) console.log(err)

Then run with node

nodejs hashpw.js