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Configure HCW@Home with Keycloak


HCW@Home officially and natively supports OpenID authentication as client. This guide will help you to configure Keycloak as part of SSO service with HCW@Home. Note it's possible to integrate any king of OpenID provider and has been successfully tested with Microsoft 365.

Note that OpenID is used in Doctor, Admin and Requester interface.


  • Having a working instance of Keycloak and configured Realm.
  • Having a deploy HCW@Home instance.

Adding new client in Keycloak

The first step is simply to add Keycloak client for HCW@Home.

  • Open the right Realm.
  • Under Client, click on Create client button.
  • Fill the form
    • Client type: OpenID Connect
    • Client ID: choose an id, by example hcw-athome.
  • Click on Next and continue with:
    • Client authentication: On
    • Authorization: Off
    • Authentication flow: to keep default (Standard flow and Direct access grants)
  • Click on Next and continue with:
    • Root URL: give the doctor URL (e.g.
    • Home URL: you can keep empty
    • Valid redirect URIs: provide a list of the three doctor, patient and admin URL. Don't forget to add /* at the end of the URL (e.g.*,*, ...)
  • Click on Save

Now keep back the following important values as we will need them later.

  • Realm: the one you choose before creating a client.
  • Client ID: the one you define when creating client.
  • Client Secret: go to tag Credentials and copy the Client secret key.
  • Your keycloak root URL: just look at the URL in your browser (e.g.

Configure HCW@Home

Now you have configured the client in Keycloak, HCW@Home configuration should be quite straightforward.

Edit the HCW@Home configuration file (e.g. /etc/hcw-athome/hcw-athome.conf) and add/edit or uncomment the following keys. Don't forget to replace <realm>, <keycloak root url>, <client id> and <client secret> according to your Keycloak configuration.

# Change from password to openid (you can easily rollback if OpenID is not working)

# Standard OpenID values
OPENID_ISSUER_BASE_URL=https://<keycloak root url>/realms/<realm>
OPENID_CLIENT_ID=<client id>
OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret>
OPENID_AUTHORIZATION_URL=https://<keycloak root url>/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/auth
OPENID_TOKEN_URL=https://<keycloak root url>/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/token
OPENID_USER_INFO_URL=https://<keycloak root url>/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
OPENID_LOGOUT_URL=https://<keycloak root url>/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/logout

# Keep false if you still want to create users into admin interface,
# otherwise any user will be able to use HCW@Home.

Now restart the backend

systemctl restart hcw-athome